Page 3 - Transform Miami Interiors with Italian Design by Zambaiti Parati - D'Cassa
P. 3

Elie Saab ha fondato il suo omonimo marchio nel 1982, a soli 18 anni. Nel corso
 degli anni, ELIE SAAB si è imposto come uno dei brand più affermati nella HAUTE

 COUTURE, con atelier sia a Parigi che a Beirut. Il know-how intrinseco e l’innata   “ “
 eleganza per cui è rinomata sono gli elementi che più contraddistinguono
                       Elie Saab founded his eponymous label in 1982, at just
                       Elie Saab founded his eponymous label in 1982, at just
 l’azienda  e  che  le  hanno  consentito  di  espandersi  nei  settori  Prêt-à-porter,
 abiti da Cerimonia, Accessori, Occhiali e Profumi. Recentemente, con ELIE SAAB
                       18 years old. Since then, the ELIE SAAB house has been
                       18 years old. Since then, the ELIE SAAB house has been
 Junior, è stata lanciata una linea di abbigliamento e accessori per bambini e con
                        established as one of the major leaders in the HAUTE
                        established as one of the major leaders in the HAUTE
 ELIE SAAB Maison & Wallpaper è stata sviluppata una linea di prodotti dedicati
 al mondo dell’home interior. Grazie al successo di queste iniziative, ELIE SAAB
                   COUTURE category globally, with ateliers based in Paris and
                   COUTURE category globally, with ateliers based in Paris and
 è entrata nel ristretto gruppo dei marchi più noti a livello globale nei settori
                     Beirut. ELIE SAAB has continued to build on the inherent
                     Beirut. ELIE SAAB has continued to build on the inherent
 moda e life style.
                      savoir-faire and innate elegance for which it is renowned,
                      savoir-faire and innate elegance for which it is renowned,
 Elie  Saab  a  fondé  sa  Maison  en  1982,  à  tout  juste  18  ans.  Depuis  lors,  la
                       expanding into the Ready-to-Wear, Bridal, Accessories,
                       expanding into the Ready-to-Wear, Bridal, Accessories,
 maison  ELIE  SAAB  est  devenue,  à  l’échelle  mondiale,  l’un  des  principaux
 leaders en Haute Couture, avec des ateliers basés à Paris et à Beyrouth. ELIE
                     Eyewear and Fragrance categories. Along with the brand’s
                     Eyewear and Fragrance categories. Along with the brand’s
 SAAB continue de miser sur le savoir-faire inhérent et l’élégance naturelle
                     most recent ventures into ELIE SAAB Junior, a line of Kids
                     most recent ventures into ELIE SAAB Junior, a line of Kids
 pour laquelle la Maison est renommée, en élargissant ses activités au Prêt-à-
 porter, Mariage, Accessoires, Lunettes et Parfumerie. Parallèlement, la Maison
                   Wear and Accessories, and ELIE SAAB Maison & Wallpaper,
                   Wear and Accessories, and ELIE SAAB Maison & Wallpaper,
 diversifie  son  activité,  en  annonçant  récemment  le  lancement  d’ELIE  SAAB
                      a home and interiors line, ELIE SAAB joins the premiere
                      a home and interiors line, ELIE SAAB joins the premiere
 Junior, une ligne de vêtements et d’accessoires pour enfants, et ELIE SAAB
 Maison et Wallpaper, une ligne de décoration d’intérieur, devenant ainsi l’une
                   league of the world’s global luxury fashion & lifestyle brands.
                   league of the world’s global luxury fashion & lifestyle brands.
 des marques mondiales de mode et de style de vie de luxe.

 Elie Saab основал одноименный бренд в 1982 году, когда ему было только 18   “ “
 лет. С того времени  компания ELIE SAAB постепенно росла и стала одним из

 мировых законодателей в сфере haute couture с мастерскими в Бейруте и в
 Париже. Бренд ELIE SAAB развивался основываясь на естественном savoir-faire
 и  врожденном  чувстве  элегантности,  благодаря  которому  и  стал  всемирно

 известен. Со временем дизайнер утвердился как ведущий модельер свадебных
 нарядов, аксессуаров, солнцезащитных очков и оправ, создатель парфюмов.
 В недавно запущенном проекте ELIE SAAB Junior выделена отдельная линия

 Kids Wear and Accessories. Этот проект вместе с ELIE SAAB Maison & Wallpaper,
 линией товаров для дома и интерьера,  выводят стилиста на высший уровень
 известности в сфере luxury fashion & lifestyle brands.
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